
So this week I rolled out our YAM repository. This hosts all the .iso files for the different Linux distributions we use (currently I only have RHEL 4 i386 and EM64T versions) and it also logs into Red Hat Network and is able to download all the updated packages automatically (via cron). You can view the packages as files in Apache which is sort of ok if you already know what packages you're looking for.

I found repoview and saw that it took package browsing to another level. Repoview uses createrepo's XML-based metadata files generated from the RPM packages themselves. With repoview you can get more descriptive details on the packages and also view a partial changelog. I think the coolest feature repoview has is the ability to generate RSS feeds so if you point your RSS client at it you can keep track of all the new packages that get added to the repository.

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